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Showing posts with the label Deadpool vs Deathstroke

This Marvel Charcter Is Characterless

MARVEL'S CHARACTER LESS HERO  If you ask me which marvel super hero is the most characterless superhero ever then i will easily ( without wasting a single second ) say Deadpool NO NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!! Not because of his Girls intrest 😂 But because  the writers of Deadpool shamelessly copied the DC DEATHSTROKE from comics and made the more popular than original DEADPOOL This is not end yet  DEATHSTROKE original name is Slade Wilson and DEADPOOL original name is Wade Wilson . They even copied the name shamelessly 😂 Whatever I say about him the fact is Ryan Reynolds just THUNDERSTRUCK everyone in this role  - Written By - DJ Connect With Me On -: -------------------------- YouTube -  DJ FUN HUB Instagram -  @DjFunHub Twitter -  @DjFunhub