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Biggest Easter Egg In Marvel Movie Avengers that could ruin whole movie plot

Biggest Easter Egg In Marvel Avengers that could ruin whole Plot 

By Filmi DJ 

So Hello What is up guys ,
Today I'll show you an amazing Easter egg or refrence that could ruin whole avengers movie plot .

But thank god 99.99 % people didn't recognise this

Easter Egg Or Refrence 

There was scene in movie Avengers (first movie) when Tony finds a person playing a game and do you remembered this game no I know that
The game was known as Galga

The thing noticeable in this scene was that Tony stark call this game with his original name not like
“that man is playing game”

Did you understand the refrence no,I'll explain

Galga is an arcade game in which Animes comes from space to kill you at an height in sky

And the same thing happenes in Avengers movie where loki comes with his Chitauri army to kill avengers at a height in sky .

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