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10 Mind Blowing Facts From Thor 4 Or THOR Love And Thunder || Everything That you have to know About Thor 4

10 Amazing And Unknown Facts From
 Thor 4 / Thor Love And Thunder  


So Hello What is Up Guy's Today We'll discuss 10 Amazing and unknown facts From the Movie Known As THOR 4 Or THOR : LOVE AND THUNDER 
So Let's Begin Countdown 

10 . Natalie Portman Accepted In One Meeting 

According To Reports Kevin Feige Thanks To Taika waititi because he introduces his script so Wisely and beautifully that portman cannot denied to accept it role in Thor : Love And Thunder 

9 . Curiosity 

Tha reason why this movie could be the first Thor Movie to complete 1Billion dollars at Box Office Collection Only Becuase this movie Plot is vey secret and because of Avengers Endgame Fans have lots of questions about this Movie Thor 4 

Ex - Q1 - How Mjolnir Would Be introduced if it is broken by HELA

Q2 - What Is The Role Of Christian Bale In movir Thor 4 or Thor Love and thunder ?

8 . Star Sharks Origin and Story 

Taika Waititi Said In Interview That there would be Star Shark 🦈 In movie Thor love and thunder and is you are thinking this wasn't unknown facts then why would I introduced this fact only beacuse I'll also tell you the origin and facts of Space Shark ✌️

Star Shark Origin and Story - 

Star Sharks Or Space Shark are the Sharks that travels in space just to find food and basically there foods are good like creature
And They Are two dangerous .

7. Again Time Travel 

Yes There would be time travel in Thor 4 and we also have proof from the Loki Tv series 

In above picture we can See written TVA on Loki's T shirt the real meaning of TVA is Time Varience Authority they are the group of people's that take care of time traveling in Marvel 

And it is also said by Taika Waititi That Loki is confirmed in Thor 4 or Thor Love and thunder and Loki has only one way to came in Thor 4 is Time Traveling 
Hence it is proved . 

6 . Fit Thor Or Fat Thor 

This was very big question that Thor Would Be fit or fat and this answer is given by Taika Waititi That Thor Will Be fit in Thor 4 because people is now bored from fat thor and they want Fit thor And Me too 🀩

5. Guardinas of the galaxy Role 

Now taika Waititi conforms in thor 4 Gotg also will be involed but the main thing is that what would be the role of GOTG in Thor love and thunder 

According to Rumors - The Role of Gardians Of the galaxy will be very short as they will drop Thor on veinahim And Thor 4 journey Starts from there . 

Yes, it's true that GOTG Will don't have very long screen time beacuse Marvel is giving his full focus on Making jane worthy . 

4 . Unworthy Thor 

Yes It's true Thor Will become Unworthy in Upcoming movie Thor 4 or Thor love and thunder and the reason he'll become unworthy is given in Next Fact


In a recent interview with ET Online, Thompson confirmed that Bale will indeed join the cast of Thor: Love and Thunder. Now we'll guess some characters that could be played by Christian Bale In Thor 4 

1.) Gorr: The God Butcher

Gorr God Butcher: Christian Bale Villain

Arguably one of the best and most interesting Thor villains of them all. Brought up on a planet with no name.

Gorr was left everyday on the brink of starvation, taught to trust and prey to the gods for their help.

But they never came.

His family died and he decided gods did not exist. Exiled by his people for this belief.

Gorr went on travelling the stars, discovered gods do exist and decided to hunt and kill any gods he could find.

An interesting thing to note is that Gorr’s actions ended up leaving Thor unworthy and unable to lift Mjolnir.

This soon lead to the introduction of Jane Foster as The Mighty Thor.

Which as we know, is exactly what Thor: Love and Thunder will touch on.

2.) Dario Agger aka The Minotaur

Dario Agger The Minotaur: Thor Love and Thunder Christian Bale

Also known as The Minotaur, Dario Agger is The CEO or the Roxxon Corporation, the wealthiest and most powerful corporation in the world.

Agger has the ability to turn into a bloodthirsty Minotaur and even joined Malekeith the Accursed in a certain comic-run.

Dario Agger is well known for being a central villain in Jane Foster’s time as The Mighty Thor.

It would make sense for Bale to play this villain as the issues of climate change and corporate greed has never before been more relevant.

It’s also key to mention the Roxxon Corporation has been mentioned and teased throughout the MCU (Iron Man films) and even played a big part in the Agent Carter series.

A perfect villain to introduce Jane Foster as Thor. 

READ MORE: Thanos’ snap in Avengers: Endgame created The Mutants

3.) Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill: Thor 4 Christian Bale

Part of the Korbinite race and cybernetically enhanced. Beta Ray Bill is loved by many comic-fans who are eagerly awaiting his MCU debut.

The character is capable of lifting Mjolnir and while first being an enemy of Thor, they soon became friends and allies.

He was originally meant to be introduced in Thor Ragnarok but didn’t make the cut, with Kevin Feige even stating he hopes the character is introduced in the near future.

It’s very likely the fan favourite will make his MCU debut soon, whether Bale will play the character is another question. 

READ MORENova To Join MCU In Phase 5, But Who Is He?

4.) Ares, The God of War

Ares, The God of War: Thor Love and Thunder Christian Bale

The son of both Zeus and Hera, Ares brought war and death wherever he went.

In one comic run, Ares believed Asgard’s presence on earth and the disappearance of Thor was an evil plot by Loki and attacked Asgard until he realised his mistake.

As we know once again, Asgard is currently located on earth and Thor’s gone walkies with The Guardians Of The Galaxy.

2 . World Class Action

The Reason Why there would be World Class Action is because the cast and script of this movie is just wonderful and in fact 1 there is more about Script you can read 

1. Favourite Script 

Recently Chris Hemsworth who plays the role of Thor In Marvel said in an interview that

 “the script of this movie Thor 4 or Thor Love And Thunder is My favourite Script”

And in fact 1 I also tell You that the Natalie portman accept the movie on just one meeting only beacuse the script is too good and Full of Action

 Even Tessa Thompson told in an interview that this movie is gonna win Oscars for “Best Screen Adaptation"

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